In late May I fell down a few steps at a hotel (I was attending a meeting away from home). Landed on my knee and ankle. That leg swelled up over the next couple of hours, became very painful, and turned red. I treated it with ice packs that evening and gradually it felt better but still hurt, and itched. The following week visited my PCP who ordered an x-ray (no indication of serious injury) and prescribed limited activity for a bit. The swelling gradually subsided over the next 2 weeks but never completely, and the leg stayed red and continued to itch. Last week I contacted my PCP again and he has referred my to an orthopedist who I ll be seeing in a couple of days. However, over the last few days the rash/itch seems to have spread to my other leg, and to my arms. None of those were involved in the original injury. What s up with that?