a week ago started with sore throat, then 102 fever (3rd day) and very achy body. Fever went down to normal after 2 more days. I then developed a rash on forearms and stomach. Went to Dr. and he said it is viral syndrome and ends with rash. The rash was not itchy. Now that rash has basically cleared, I am itchy on stomach and side back area. I also now have blocked sinuses, face feels flushed and my gums are sensitive to cold liquid and my vision is a bit more blurry from dryness. I feel in general I may be experiencing inflammation and or nervousness - I feel very edgy. I am a teacher and have a stressful class of 30 5th graders. I have been borderline anemic for many years = 12.9 hemoglobin and iron level is a bit low at 48. Taking iron supplement 1x day. Taking tylenol and sudafed now. Can go back on nasacort spray. I have tried atarax and eucerin calming lotion for itch, but it comes back, not sure why? I have prednisone, do you recommend it at this point? I also have amoxicillin. Not sure what is going on, like to know your opinion before starting either one.