I am sorry for the trouble you went through regarding a
wisdom tooth extraction which is a very routine procedure in dental clinic. However, I would like to point out two things after reading your description.
First, even if mandible
fracture is a common complication of third molar extractions, it could be prevented by careful study of the x-ray/
CT scan. There must be a very thin volume of bone between tooth and our border of mandible. If x-ray/CT scan was taken after extraction, fracture line could have been detected and 3 months could have been saved that were spent in
dry socket treatment. For future reference in case you need it, dry socket does not take three months to heal if antibiotics are started within 3-5 days of extraction.
Fosamax is an
alendronate which belongs to Bis-phosphonate group. It is specifically given to patients prone to
osteoporosis (a disease of bone where bones become weak and susceptible to fracture) to make bones stronger and prevent fractures. Postmenopausal women are usually prone to this disease. So if your wife was taking Fosamax, it would have made her bones stronger and not prone to fracture. I intend to say that there is no way Fosamax could be blamed for the fracture.
The sequences you have followed after fracture seem okay and your wife must be feeling better now.
I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing HealthcareMagic and trusting us with your problem. I wish your wife gets well soon.
Best regards,
Dr. Viraj Shah