dear patient,according to the symptoms you have described,it indicates that you have developed
carpal tunnel syndrome,but to confirm it ,the doctor needs to physically examine the patient.You do suffer from
osteoarthritis in the knee due to the aching and creeking noise heard during walking up the stairs and also the swelling in the feet.I reccommend you to avoid using stairs and standing for a longtime as this will worsen your knee.
Take calcium+
vitamin d3 supplement regularly. DO regular exercises of the knee joint,only sitting exercises. consult a physiotherapist for the same.
as your carpal tunnel problem is concerned,you can wear wrist splints available at pharmacies at night sleep to avoid any compression of the wrist during sleep.If you are overweight ,doing aerobic exercises and losing weight,help most of the patients.if this fails then the final option is surgery to relieve your pain.which is done only in very
severe pain.
i request you to get a consult with
neurologist,who will be the best doctor to guide you further for further advice.
hope that answers the question.