My husband is a cancer patient in remission from Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. 3 months since last radiation treatment. For several months he has had excruciating pain in area of stoma from iliostomy in 1995 due to ulcerative colitis. In October he had 4 hospital stays. They just keep him on Dilaudid 25 mgs which he takes every 4 hours. Also a Fentanyl Patch 50 mgs changed every 72 hours. No doctor/surgeon has found cause of pain. . My theory is that this heavy use of Dilaudid may be cause of inability to eat or drink. We have to force Powerade, etc. Try to get a lot of calories & protein in him. He has lost great deal of weight. 35 lbs since chemo began in January. But most loss has been in last month. He cannot eat. Thought of food causes nausea, disgust, vomiting. Living on Powerade & Ensure (only vanilla) Do you think there is anything to the possibility of using Dilaudid could cause this. He is dying from starvation in front of us. So weak, confused, angry, crying. He is 75.