Thank you for your query
It seems that your little one may have a stomach bug (
stomach flu).
These are seasonal pathogens (organisms that cause disease) and usually result in mild to moderate disease which usually heals on its own in a week or so.
Loss of appetite is a common symptom. The mainstay of management is to prevent
dehydration. More frequent and smaller feeds will be better tolerated. If you breastfeed, please continue to do so .
Tylenol at the prescribed dose may be given if he develops a
fever (fever can cause dehydration too)
If he is on diapers, it would be advisable to use cloth napkins to judge his urine output more accurately
Once he seems to get better, his appetite will increase considerably and will return to normal
Things to watch out for
: concentrated and smelly urine, less than 6 wet napkins a day
: fever over 100.4F
: Lethargic or drowsy
: Irritable and continuous crying spells that last for more than 2 hours
: not wanting to be held
: loss of weight (more than 5% of his current weight)
: sunken soft spot on the head
: inability to feed
: excessive
vomiting and/or loose stools
Currently , based on your query, he seems to be on the road to recovery. I understand it is difficult to see your helpless little one go through this. Children are amazingly resilient. Monitor him closely, meet his demands. Do not set expectations for his recovery.
As long as he is having reasonable intake and urinating adequately with an otherwise normal behaviour (some
tiredness is expected), there is nothing to worry. He'll bounce back soon.
Hope this helps.
Wish you both good health .
please get back to us if you have further queries