My Husband had a quadruple heart by-pass august 2014 and has been on a number of medications since he takes Aspirin 100mg am + Loxalate 20 mg am + Avapro 300/12.5 am + Betamin 100mg am + Metoprolol 25mg am -------- Metoprolol 25mg pm + Atorvastatin 40mg pm since being on this combination for around six months he has no energy, weight gain, painful legs, blurry eyes has only last week had his glass lens updated,sleeps on and off during the day then sleeps all night, obviously unable to be employed but not accepted as disability candidate. He has a throaty cough day and night but more so during the night. He is with non insulin dependent Diebetic, high blood pressure my email address is YYYY@YYYY I cannot afford to pay if I cannot get an answer without paying thank you for listening