Hello, I am a male, 24. I have been drinking energy drinks lately and have discovered that they can effect genitalia. My libido is low, I don t get random erections, I don t get morning erections, I can still get erections from visual and physical stimuli though. I have gone to the doctor, they told me my blood looks fine, my genitalia looks fine, and they believe it is a psychological issue. I went to another doctor and I am waiting on reports for testosterone and thyroid. The skin between my scrotum and penis was unusually loose and flappy one day after drinking a monster energy drink, but in recent days it has returned to it s usual appearance. The energy drinks seemed to also cause dry orgasms as well, where the sensation of orgasm was present, but very little or no semen produced. If the problem was caused by too many energy drinks, what can I do to help recovery?