Hello, I turned 54 years in January, 16 years ago a Gyn told me I had a large uterus I was checked and nothing was found (Now I had two kids that were 9 11 and 9 1 pounds). I had my last child at 39, 5 years later I was diagnoised with fibroid tumors which they didn t think was serious, but my Gyn was concern about the thicking of the linning of my uterus. I didn t understand and never went back o my Gyn. I then notice the real thickness of my uterus it was like rolls of skin. When getting my period I would have sometimes severe to just mild pain. My period for years had been heavy to the point where I had to get iron infuse in my arm, then I start taking iron tablets. For years I have been dealing with the having to urinate to being constipated a lot. Each and every year I would pray that this would be the year my period would stop. well in February I came on my period on the 8th it was a normal period it last for 5 days an it was not heavy which was strange. March my period came on the 8th again it was light for two days, by the third day I was bleeding up the biggest blood clots I have ever seen in my life. They were the size of a grapefruit I would sit down and get this gush, I would go to the bathroom and blood clots would come out of me like I was having a baby, I notice that I was cramping and could feel my cervix as it was contracting open to expel these big clots, by that night I was so afraid that I was rush to the emergency room. I was tested for blood lost and they were surprised that my hemoglobin was 13 after losing all that blood. That was on a Saturday I saw a Gyn on Monday, I was giving a ultra sound in the vagina and on the stomach. It was confirmed that I had fibroid tumors which I already knew, the Gyn now want me to have a biopsy which I am afraid to do. I have noticed that since that day of having those large blood clots that I do not have that thick skin in the uterus any more. So my question is what were the huge blood clots all about? I am so afraid of the 8th coming around I don t never want to experience that anymore, my period last for 10 days in March with those blood clots lasting for 5 of those days. Thank You! Casey