Hi, I have a question about a large bump on the inside on my thigh...
I'm 19 years old and have had these reoccurring bumps on the inside on my thigh, near my groin area. They always seem to go away. But within the last 6 months, the one I have now has just gotten bigger and more red. It is very tender and feels squishy, almost like it has liquid inside it. It never has a head either. Within the past few days it's gotten very swollen and tender. Last night it popped and there was no puss, only blood. It's smaller now, but still large enough to bother me when I walk. I was looking at it earlier and there still isn't a head, just a large hole where it popped. Also, if I squeeze it slightly, I can feel a harder bump behind it, more so inside in my thigh a little bit, not on the surface. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow morning, I was just wanting an idea of what it could be and what they might do about it so I can prepare myself.