hello. I have a question regarding my bowel habits. When I eat I usually have to stop in the middle of a meal to go to the bathroom. More times than not it is usually loose watery stools. Then again at the end of the meal I am back in the bathroom. I am very gassy. I also noticed that I have some bright red blood when I wipe. I've had this for many many years and have just dealt with it. But sometimes the urge comes on so fast that on occasion I am unable to make it to the bathroom in time. Therefore this has affected my life as I can't go out to eat in public. Also throughout the day I have bouts of loose watery stools. I have GERD and take pepcid ac and prilosec for it. In the past I had an anal fistula in which I had a fitstlectomy? for. I am Not sure but I think I may have lost some muscle control with that surgery. But that still does not explain the almost constant watery loose stools. also there have been times when I have noticed quite a bit of clear jelly like mucus in my stools. Most of the time my stool is what I consider a normal brown color unless I eat something that affects the color. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Also just for some quick information I am a 44 year old female and I have several medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, doubt, GERD, environmental allergies, and high cholesterol. All of these are monitored by my physician and are pretty much under control with medication. Thank you.