Thanks for your query.
Noted the history about your 55 year old husband and understood your concerns.
Semisolid motions 3-4 times a day for the last 4 months is a long time to have the problem in the absence of
diabetes or any other medical problems as you have mentioned.
Hence to find out the cause, I would advise you the following:
Get a clinical evaluation by a Doctor to have an idea about clinical problem, examination and thus get a battery of investigations which may be as follows:
Stool tests for three consecutive days.
Tests of blood for CBC,
thyroid, liver functions and other tests as guided by your Doctor on clinical evaluation.
Ultrasonography of abdomen and CT scan if required.
Colonoscopy as needed.
All these will give a probable diagnosis so that as specific treatment can be given.
If all the tests are normal then this may be IBS that is
irritable bowel syndrome. Stress and anxiety needs to be reduced or nullified.
Also watch for the foods and beverages, spices etc that instigate or enhance the problems and stop altogether.