My mother is 87 and resides at a nursing home in Richmond VA. She is currently not eating much, a few crackers when encouraged, an Ensure drink, occasionally a bite or two of this or that from her meal. I use to entice her with fresh fruits and vegetable which she has always enjoyed but now she doesn t seem to want that either. Since it is so hard to get her to eat anything, my sister and sister in law (and I) were wondering if it would benefit her at all if she were to use this drug, (benefit of side effect of appetite stimulant) She use to take it and didn t seem to struggle with any of the bad side effects from it. Don t know now however, as she has declined in weight (105) and in her ability to focus/talk. Just don t want her to starve nutritionally speaking, so didn t know the best thing to do. Should we try this drug at her stage, or not? Thanks for your help, Fran