My apologies, I don t have any specifics/facts info, I am preceding by word of mouth statements related to me by siblings. My 87yr old mother, has had two cranial aneurism, clipping procedures done, located in the temple area approximately 3-4 yrs ago and an unruptured anieurism located at the back of neck (Base of Brain stem?) She has normal memory and regular function with speech and mobility. She also suffers from severe pain in knees, having loss of bone density and mass of joint tissues. (bone on bone) I have many questions and concerns on what my mother is experiencing presently, she is taking morphine extended release tabs 1 pill 3 times daily,(morning,lunch and dinner)in addition to one bladder control pill and one anti-depressant pill daily. My mother recently had a dental visit which was having more than a few teeth extracted and now is in jeopardy of getting an infection due to open sockets bleeding and not healing properly. Dentist prescribed a pain medication and an antibiotic. I don t have name or info on these prescriptions. My dad is concerned that the pills she is taking is putting her at risk to have a bad medical interaction w/prescribed meds, for she in incoherent due to morphine, he tells me she has loss of balance and fears she may fall and hit her head, or go to sleep and not wake up everyday. May you help me to be able to ease my father s anxiety and fear.and w/little info. I have to provide with some advice or recommendations? Thank you for your time.