I was taking Benicar HCT 20/12.5 until I received Augmentin for the treatment of a rash on my hands... I took 2 pills, one in the morning and one that night and woke up the next day with extreme swelling in my face. My right eye was swollen shut and I looked like the elephant man. It took a shot of Kenelog to reduce the swelling. The Dr. said that Augmentin made me allergic to the HCT component of my BP meds. I stopped taking the BP meds and tried a natural (vitamin supplements) course of treatment. That worked for a while, but I eventually had to go back on Benicar with Amlodipine (20/5). In the meantime, I was put on Dapsone and Prednisone for the rash. Now my problem is loss of hand-eye coordination (I play racquetball) and loss of equilibrium. If I get up in the night to use the restroom, I have to turn on a light in order to not lose my balance. I was taken off of Dapsone/Prednisone after one month because of loss of equilibrium. It has been about a year since using the Dapsone/Prednisone combination. A Chiropractor treated my hand with Nitrogen (cold) thinking that it might be a fungus, and my hand does seem like it is getting better, however the rash historically comes and goes in waves. I went to UCLA Medical Center for the Allergeez test (70 different allergens) and they gave me the results for SOME OTHER GUYS TEST! The other guy took the True test (I did not) and indicated Carba mix. In my test results (I think they were my results) I am apparently allergic to Propylene Glycol. I had a salad one day and the next day the rash on my hand exploded! The salad dressing (Wishbone) had Propylene Glycol in it (WTF???). At this point, a wild-ass-guess would apparently be as good as 8 years of medical education. The thing that bothers me the most right now is the loss of equilibrium. Any ideas?