I have been taking Oroxine for years as my TSH level was 5.9. I was fine until a few weeks ago, and suddenely my TSH levels dropped to.32 with T4 at 17.2 and T3 at 2.9. My doctor said to stop all the medication as sometime stress, and the thyroid gland can reset itself. I did stop for a few days and felt terrible. I took half a tablet of 100mg today so I m hoping it will help. I was diagonsed with subclinical hyprodism in 2002. Last week I had a cold headache, dizziness, vague, and lethargic. I don t know if to trust my doctor as I don t think she knows what she is doing. Current blood tests reveal TSH is borderline and review in one week. But my doctor says six weeks and that is taking no Oroxine. I have dramatically lost weight and need some guidance as to how I can help myself and my body.