My answer will be very frank even though an involvement of lymph nodes (or lump as you call it) is rather common in numerous infections, the accompanying signs and symptoms make me think of another type of disease.
All the signs and symptoms your husband is experiencing could be indicative of some type of lymphoma (most probably non-
Hodgkin lymphoma).
Especially sub febrile body temperature,
night sweats, a swollen lump in the torso and under the armpit, feeling extremely tired and loss of energy and decreased appetite are all typical of such diagnosis.
Therefore, if your husband is around the age of 60s, I would suggest him to have a thorough hematological examination (blood tests) in order to rule out or confirm such disease.
However, there is no room for panic. Lymphomas comprise a very heterogeneous group of diseases, ranging from slowly growing and progressing (indolent) lymphomas, that do not require any immediate action apart from "wait and watch", to other aggressive forms.
More optimistically, many forms of aggressive lymphomas respond very well to treatment and three-quarters of all patients show no signs of disease after initial treatment, and a considerable proportion is even cured. New treatments have been developed lately, including biologic agents (
antibodies) that have greatly improved the overall prognosis of lymphomas.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Ervin Toçi