my daughter got flu about 101 three days. we gave her parisitamol syrup. and the third day doctor told me to do a Full blood Count. according to the result doctor said it is a viral flue and contiue parisitamol syrup. but the problem is Hemoglobin is low. 9.66. we gave her good food. still brest feeding although she is 1 year and 3 months. and her weight is good 12.8 kilos. so can that flu cause low hemoglobin??? also tell me can it be blood cancer. Please help. (FBC result- WBC 5.44,NEU 1.53, LYM 3.09, MONO 0.716, EOS 0.012, BASO 0.098, RBC 5.08, HGB 9.66, HCT 31.0, MCV 61.0, MCH 19.0, MCHC 31.2, RDW 17.7, PLT 221)