I Have had low white counts for over a year. No infections, no fevers, no lethargy. Just this month I also have been found to have low platelets. They were at 17,000. I was put on 4 days of steroids and the count did rise to 78,000. A week later I m back to 30,000. I had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday so that my hematologist/oncologist can see if it will help with a diagnosis. Tomorrow I go for T Plate and IVIG shots/infusions. He has ruled out leukemia from the results of blood tests. I feel fine, am high energy and as I stated have not had any issues.......except for the side effects of the steroids (hyper, insomnia, itching, loss of appetite, jittery). I am a 68 year old white female . Two normal pregnancies in the 60 s and 70 s. I have been fairly healthy with just some orthopedic procedures and a lap chole in the past. I did develop shingles two years ago. I m just trying to get as much information as I can on my condition. Any comments?