Hi, Two years ago, I had a Hysterectomy w/only leaving me one ovary. I've been fine until about two months ago when I began having lower abdominal pain right in the middle above my pelvic bone. The pain comes/goes almost daily with the intensity varying; however, when at its peak, it is very painful. I've had an ultrasound, which came back fine. I then saw a Urologist who performed a Cystoscopy and a CT Scan, which also came back fine. The doctor feels I most likely have scar tissue/adhesions from having my Hysterectomy. I've heard that if I have surgery to correct the existing adhesions, I will most likely have additional adhesions from that surgery. If I have this additonal surgery, I'm concerned that something more serious could go wrong. If I don't have the surgery, will the adhesions hurt anything inside of me, such as other organs (colon, etc.)? Also, I forgot to mention that I had Endometriosis. The GYN doctor who performed my Hysterectomy, scraped as much Endo off as he could so I could keep an ovary. The Urologist said those that he scraped have probably adhered to my other organs in that area. If that's the case and I don't have surgery for that (to clean those up and take only ovary out), will that cause problems? Those are the two questions I have. Thank you for your time and thoughts.