Hello, I am 30 years old and diagnosed with HPV at 17. I've had 1 cone biopsy and a leep procedure done in my early 20s. I have had normal paps since being diagnosed however, they are neot consistant. Unfortunatly it has been over 5 years since my last papsmear and the 4 1/2 months I've had severe low back pain that my M.D nor any specialtist can find the cause of. Also, 3 days ago I started with unusual discharge (dark blood in color) and severe pressure in lower abdomen. I have some shortness of breath as well. I have gained 16 lbs since december and it all seemed to do to my stomach. Could you please give me an idea on what to excpect givin my symptoms?I have already made an ob appt. but was wonder if I should try to make it sooner. Thank you, Meghan