Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM virtual Clinic.
I studied your query in all the details put forth by you.
I understood your health concerns.
Cause of the health problems you queried-
With very limited information on the breast lump,its very difficult to comment on the surgical intervention advised for right under arm lump associated with your right breast lump.
As you had got
Mammography of the Right breast done from your doctor,which was followed by USG study of the breast and the under arm area,your doctor may be right in advising you on the first information he got after this radiological investigation,about which I have very limited information from your query.
Your doctor may be worried about the under arm lump and advised its surgical removal,this indicates that in the context of your
mammogram and the USG studies,he suspects some growth /?
tumor which could be of malignant type and needs EXCISION
BIOPSY OF that right underarm lump,after which he could plan for the definitive treatment of the breast lump you felt.
Still if you are worried I would suggest you to Consult ER Surgeon on this, who would give his
Second opinion after doing needful Breast Lump FNAC Biopsy and or/FNAC Biopsy of the Underarm Lump,which if done With PET CAT scan guiding,would increase the chances of detecting any suspected malignant tumor and would fix the best treatment for your breast lump.
I would advise you to consult ER Surgeon urgently because you had worries from the reports and advise of your doctor,about which I have very limited information to comment on.
So till the time you consult ER Surgeon and get his definitive opinion after above investigations,DON'T WORRY AT ALL.
And act fast on the above suggestions,which helps you to plan treatment with your ER Surgeon.
Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction.
Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at HCM.
Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience ,which would improve my rating for many other visitor's to HCM.
Wishing you fast recovery.
Have a good day.
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Consultant.