Hello and welcome to HCM,
Painless lumps on mid back and lower back can be due to
soft tissue swellings.
What is the consistency or feel of the swellings?
Are the swellings soft, firm or hard.
If the swellings are soft
lipoma is a strong possibility.
If the swellings are firm,
leiomyoma etc can be a possibility.
If the swellings are hard, they can be due to bony in origin.
A clinical assessment is necessary to decide further management plan.
I suggest you to consult your primary healthcare provider for clinical assessment and relevant investigations.
An aspiration cytology of the swelling is required wherein the cells are aspirated from the swelling, spread on glass slide, stained with appropriate stains and studied microscopically.
This investigation will determine the nature and character of the swellings and hence its management.
If the swellings are benign or any of the above mentioned lesions, they can be excised surgically.
If the lesion turns out to be something else then the management has to be planned accordingly.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri