I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain Melasma leads to formation of brownish to black patches over the face and occurs commonly due to hormonal imbalances..
It can occur due to causes like:
-Intake of Birth Control Pills.
-Pregnancy and child birth.
Hormone Replacement Therapy.
-Exposure to UV rays ia overexposure to sun.
I would suggest you to
consult a Dermatologist and get evaluated and he can do a thorough clinical evaluation and investigations like Wood Lamp's Test, hormonal assy and at times Biopsy to confirm the diagnosis..
Melasma is slow to respond to treatment and generally the
depigmentation creams can lighten the pigmentation and does not resolve it completely..
In case if it is due to hormonal imbalances correction of the same can help..
Cessation of hormone replacement therapy if you take any can be helpfum in improvement..
Limit sun exposure and always apply sunscreen lotion when exposed to sun..
As a part of treatment you can be advised
Hydroquinone containing creams..
Azelic acid and Kojic acid containing Creams are helpful..
Vitamin C oral as well as topical can helpful..
Metamizol containing ointments can also help..
Retinoids like Adapelene can be advised..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.