Dear sir. I m having dissociative disorder and Dr. Prescribed me lonazep 0.25 mg,dicorater ER 250 mg, etizola0.25,betacap10mg,zosert 100 mg,but I have some problem using these medicine 1. I can t sleep with out lonazep 2.I had shaking of my hand and finger. 3. Feeling restless and irritation. 4. I had a horror dream sometimes I feel confusion in whole body during sleep . 5.negative thought feeling self regrates. Actually my symptoms are I fell convulsion in my body it start from lower body to head and finally I go into comma for long EEG and MRI reports are normal...actually I feel these attack when ever I feel angry or I had a pain which is unbearable or some times in high fever. Actually I have been victim from past 5 year. Plz help me..