Hi, I ve been having weird symptoms for the past 6 months and none of the doctors I ve seen have been able to fix the issues. I m not sure if they are related or separate problems, but I was perfectly healthy before this, no issues whatsoever. I m 43, female. Here is a brief summary: February 25-27: Metalic taste in mouth, red spot on tongue. Feb 28-Mar 7: Weird tingly feeling in tongue and back of throat, tongue seems furry or coated, left arm tingly, pressure behind ears, dizzy. Pressure in head behind ears. Mar 8: White film on inside of cheeks and lips that wiped away easily; still have weird feeling in outh and dizziness. Went to Doc. He had no idea. March 15-24: Symptoms seemed to get a bit better while on Vacation March 27: Home. Woke up with white film in mouth again. Came off easily. Throat feels like there s something on it also. March 28: Doc visit; No idea again; gave me Zpack antibiotic to treat it in case it was infection. April 2: Still have issue, went back to doc; white stuff on cheeks, tongue still feels thick and coated and tingly. Did see a white bump in back of throat that doesn t hurt. Was given Nystatin mouthwash in case it s thrust. Nystatin didn t help at all. April 11: Still having same issue with tongue and throat, pressure in head. Very dry mouth, very tired. April 12: Feel awful, doc visit again. She thought I had a blocked salivary gland, go see ENT. I did that, they saw nothing unusual and said there was no problem! April 28: Still have mouth issue. UTI symptoms (urgency and frequency), and they did a urine test and found blood, low ph and leukocytes (trace) so gave me antibiotics (Amoxicillin, since I react badly to some others - ended up reacting to Amox also but took all but last dose). Culture ended up showing no growth of bacteria though! May 6: STill feeling UTI bladder irritation like symptoms, urine clear. NOW, to summarize, the feeling of irritation and having to pee when I don t has not gone away - it gets better and worse but never disappears. I went to OBGYN and culture showed more bacteria than usual (called it Bacterial Vaginosis) and put me through 3 rounds of antibiotic creams, which seemed to help a bit but the bacteria keeps coming back. Two rounds of Clindamycin cream caused dizziness both times, and last time it lasted over 2 weeks. I m still dealing with tongue/mouth issue, and what feels like bladder irritation on and off, and loss of apptetite. Went to ER a few days ago. No help. I m at the end of my rope... can you help me in any way???