Hi I m Shannon 45 years old female My symptoms are severe headaches feel like migraines hurts so bad that my vision gets blurry and I get nauseous . a dent and two ridges in one thumb nail have nausea ,dizziness ,weak, tired ,light headed on and off also have issues with schizoaffective disorder & anxiety & and a borderline personality disorder. I ve noticed my in last 3 years my mental Health has gotten worse drastically as well as my anxiety. In the past , I ve been tested for anemia, hyper thyroid problems, I ve been admitted to hospital for kidney failure twice. I also had surgery on my stomach, the procedure was called a toupet fundoplication. Also my heartburn now my heartburn gets so bad I have chest pains and back pain from it to the point where I feel like I m having a heart attack , acid reflux is always burning my throat and now I also have some pain in my stomach now it hurts to go poop and also have GERD. have severe asthma just recently told I COPD . In the smoker for over 30 years trying to quit now.