Hello dear
Understand your concern.
Hello dear
Understand your concern.
I think you are suffering from
migraine that aggravate by coughing.
In coughing, heavy exertion, weight lifting causes increased thoracic pressor result in disturbance in the blood flow of brain and triggers a headache.
Take following advice:
So prevent the coughing and bending as much as possible
Stay hydrated.
Use humidifier.
If cough is sever: Syrup cold rest
Tablet strepsils
Remove irritants from air.
Avoid to go in cold and congested area.
you can take
Tablet Indomethcin or
Divalproex sodium to prevent it.
Other treatment of migraine is below:
1. Pain relieving medication:
- first use:Ibuprufen 500 mg three times a day or you can use
aspirin or acetaminophen
- If not responds, you can use
sumatriptan, combination of ergots and caffine
Stay hydrated
eat health diet.
Life style changes should be done as below
1. Enough sleep
2. Muscle relaxation exercise
3. Rest and relaxation
4. Keep headache diary: Identify trigger factor and which treatment is effective
Alternate therapy:
Acupuncture therapy
Massage and music therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Vitamin B-2 and CO Q can be useful in relieving pain.
Hope this may help you.
Best regards
Dr. Sagar