Today I was diagnosed as having very mild diastolic dysfunction. I'm 48 years old, obese, no high blood pressure, normally it run 118 to 124 over 68 to 82. Last Saturday it was a bit high (first time) at 138/92. I am not diabetic (just tested with a hemoglobin A1C). Recent CBC, Lipids were normal, thyroid is normal. I have used a lot of 800mg ibuprofen since 7/2010 because of pain with my siatic nerve, I've been taking 2 to 3 of these a day everyday since then, but quit taking them 6 days ago. I'm premenopausal and went to the cardiologist because of heart palpatations that would come for a couple weeks each month with my cycle since Jan of 2010. They would last for 10 to 12 hours then quit and come back the following day. They went away in July of 2010, and didn't return again until Feb., one day in March, and then nothing since then. I don't know how I developed this, although the ibuprofen has been mentioned as a possible cause. I'm scared now. Can I live a long life with this condition? I'm only 48, I'd like to see 70 :) I should mention that I have a life long history of chronic broncitis too. Thank you for any advice you can offer.