Thank you for providing the brief history of you.
As you mentioned your symptoms, first thing i will recommend is to under got the
ultrasound scanning of the abdomen to rule out any systemic organ pathology. Due to
acid reflux i am unsure you will have
radiating pain.
If the ultrasound scanning report comes normal then a look to the MRI of the spine is advised. As which will help us see within the body soft tissues.
Also, if this also comes negative then need to have a thorough systemic assessment to figure out the causes. Since pain can be a
referred pain or may be a localized pain which on examination of abdomen and spine can be possible.
Also, pain in abdomen radiating to back can be due to
kidney issues, like kidney stones. this are all the possibilities, but understanding the smallest issues first and making use of diagnostic procedures is important and later on to the other.
Also, due to a lot of medication, there is an issue with the gastric problems leading to the abodminal pain.
Once coming closer to the pathology of the tissues the treatment plan will be guided.
Jay Indravadan Patel