Thank you for writing to us,
Bleeding and pain after sex depends on how you had sex. If you had rough sex than it should be there for sure. Its nothing but just normal thing which happens to peoples.
Normally its not because of
genital herpes as you described.
As you describe dryness in vagina might be the reason for the same. Because due to that penis cant easily enters to vagina and in response you try hard and due to that you have to suffer from issue.
Dryness in vagina might because of amount pre cum in vagina is not in normal amount. It should be happens if you go for direct intercourse and due to that pre cum not there.
For the solution of pre cum you should go for foreplay and
Oral sex first before you go for intercourse because it will help for pre cum and also you and your partner will have more pleasure than normal intercourse.
When amount of pre cum will be normal in vagina than you will not feel that dryness and also will have more pleasure while having sex.
Still you are facing problems would suggest to concern a good doctor for more help they would suggest you best.
Hope you will find it helpful.
Thanks & regards,
Dr. Gaurav Prajapati