Dear Sir/Madam, My wife went for first pregnancy check up on 15th May 2015 and Doctor said she is pregnant but she cannot see the pregnancy in this ecography gynecology and she gave some vitamins to her to use for like 2 months, then doctor advised her to come after like two weeks then on 1st June 2015 she was examined by the same doctor now this time doctor said yes she can see the pregnancy in the scan which like 5 weeks and she said continue vitamins and come for routine check on 25th June 2015. But on 24th June my wife found a black spot on her underwear, she got scared and asked me to take to the doctor, same doctor examined her and said in scan by didn t fine pregnancy growing up and we have to clean this up. kindly advise what could be the reason that why pregnancy didn t grow up, my wife is in shock from yesterday.