Rashes and itchiness at side of stomach, the the side of lower back, arm towards wrist area, and high butt crack. I always eat all over the place so I couldn t determine anything from that, but i have noticed a slight difference in my choice of foods. I ve had a few cramps in lower right pelvic region. My menstrual cycle has not come on for nearly three months. I ve been a good bit emotional lately. I ve noticed I ve been a good bit restless at night yet can still have energy in the mornings. I ve just begun having small sharp shooting pains in my lower back area. My stomach has looked like I was carrying for years now. My bf asked if I was pregnant early one morning because he had been so tired lately, he didn t know that I was having symptoms of being pregnant. I don t know if I m pregnant or what. I ve had false alarms before which is why I ve put off really finding out, but there are way more symptoms this time around.