Daughter is 16 weighs 122# and is 5 4 , she went scuba diving a couple weeks ago, afterwards got ringing and lost hearing in right ear! She was at a camp, this happened on a Tuesday, picked her up Friday, took to ER, they looked at her said fluid in ear! Take Sudafed and call family doc! Doc on vaca, so after 5 days, still had ringing and no hearing! We called ENT, they got her in on a Monday 13 days after injury! They were very concerned, no fluid in ear, did hearing test, did very poorly on test, could not detect anything! They put on prednisone for 6days, and no activities, went back a week later, some improvement, still no word recognition, prednisone again and no activity! She plays soccer! We go back on Monday the 25th, she is hearing some words now, but muffled and robotic sounding, she says! She is concerned about not playing soccer, is it necessary to sit it out while waiting for prednisone to work? She is glad hearing coming back,,still has ringing,Mobutu wants to okay soccer, conditioned all summer to start regular season practices and games! What do you think, still no playing? Also had ct scan, turned out normal! Thanks for input!