thanks for asking
few questions
*Do you have any breathing difficulty/ swallowing difficulty or any voice change?
*Any history of weight loss/palpitations/ tremors/diarrhea?
*Any associated weight gain/ hairloss/ tiredness/ constipation?
*Any history of
recurrent fever / thyroid pain/
eye pain / bulging eye ball/ tiredness?
*Periods- is it regular?
*How is your quality of life?
*Any family history of thyroid disease/
goiter or thyroid malignancy?
*Are you diabetic/ hypertensive?
*Do you have raised cholesterol?
grainy picture in USG means you have
thyroiditis in scan that is your thyroid is inflamed.
nodules is a different entity what you might be seeing is nodular thyroid which is also suggestive of thyroiditis.
or could you send me the size of largest nodule.
any signs of
microcalcification, peripheral vascularity irregularity
if nodule size is more than 1.5 cm then FNAC needs to be done.