I took Cipro an antibiotic prescribed for a UTI. While taking Cipro I fell while walking due to seemingly pulling a tendon to the back of the ankle. I phoned the Doc. immediately and asked to be taken off the Cipro. I had already taken one round of it and was now on another dosage of it. UTI resolved with another antibiotic but since the Cipro I am experiencing aching muscles in the back, hip, both legs, knees, and still behind the ankle. The legs and hips are the main ache. Sometimes on a scale of 1-10 on pain I am at a 9. After sitting I often feel stiff and takes a moment to feel comfortable walking. I also went through a month or two of confusion, brain fog, and depression. This has gotten better but still present for short periods. I completed the antibiotics almost 3 months ago. I can relieve pain with leg stretches, massage with magnesium gel, essential oil (orange) mixed with coconut oil, hand held massage, walking and Advil and Tylenol. I spend to much time trying to relieve pain! I take probiotics and have increased vitamin c. I am a 72 year old female who was very active prior to Cipro: biking, kayaking, hiking. I still do these activities (just not as many miles and not as often) but my legs really hurt the next day. I sometimes work out at a gym. Evening activity is very difficult as I seem to tire easy and pain increases. Any suggestions on how to mange and cure this muscle ache? I feel strongly this was due to taking Cipro.