Black man, 47 years old, never smoked, drinks socially, 5 11, 191 pounds, in decent shape. Sales career mostly sitting at a desk. I went to my doc to talk to him about what felt like tendinitis or arthritis in my hip area. He did some tests and drew blood. I got the results today and they said the results showed that I was positive for ANA Lupus markers and rheumatoid factor. But my docs office also said that these results are not yet a final diagnoses of lupus or RA. I have an appointment scheduled with a rheumatologist for November 7th, but obviously I don t care to wait that long without asking some questions. I don t have any other symptoms - only some muscle or join stiffness in my hip area and my right wrist. I attributed the hip area condition to lots of sitting (for work) and the stair workout I do every weekend (1,000 stairs within about 30 minutes), and I figured the minor wrist issue was from overuse of my laptop. I also think i might have mild planter fasciitis. I don t have any rash, frequent fatigue, or any of the other symptoms I ve read online about Lupus. For the most part I feel great other than the issues I described above. The hip issue started in February very mild and and has gotten slightly worse, but not a major issue - no pain walking, stairs, etc). The pain (hip area and a little in pelvic area) mostly goes away after a little stretching and fitness activities. My question - is it common for a person to be positive for rheumatoid factor and ANA Lupus Markers, and not have either, or only have RA and not lupus? Or is it typical that a positive marker/factor for both probably means I have both? I ll find out for sure when they do additional tests next month. I ve already read some information on the internet but it s a lot and it can be confusing, so I d appreciate your detailed feedback. Thank you.