i had protected anal sex with my boyfriend, who is HIV positive, a week ago. I was the top. however the oral and rimming was not protected, no ejaculation in mouth, only precum, i spit out frequently during oral and rimming. kissing was not protected as well. there was a tiny cut on my upper lip, but not bleeding. my boyfriend has been taking treatment for HIV for about 2 years, his viral load has been less than 20 copies per ml. However, I have been feeling Muscle aches, dizziness, chills, coughing and tired the day after sex. i am only feeling dizzy and lightheaded now. some rash appeared between my fingers and are quite itchy, I applied some bath salt lastnight and they are getting better today and no longer itch. there is a little complication, i have not been feeling well for a week before the sex, and i went to the gym the day before the sex. during the sex, we had the air-conditioning on, so i might get a cold from that and feel worse the next day? so i am not sure whether the symptoms are related to HIV infection or not? can it be this early? i guess it is too late for PEP now? if i get tested now, would the result be any help? or i am just being paranoid? please help me i am going nuts.