Yes please! What do you know/understand about administering T3, the thyroid replacement drug Tertroxin. On it solely after battering with T4 for 19 years following thyroid cancer and hashemotoes.The latter does not make the change to the former as it should, but gives my nausea, shakes, loose bowels, muscle pain, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Used both for the past few years, also had them compounded. Slight improvement but not much. So now solo on T3! Bit better on 3x10 and 1X5 spaced through the day. Am in Australia and finding Doctors and Endo,s really don t understand this drug, as are solely focused on T4. You American guys appear to be more in tune with chronic health issues than medics here, judging by what I read.... After 19 years of trial and error am rather desperate for guidance, not just how the the blood results stack up.Appreciate your help please. Regards Bea