I m a 52 yo caucasion female, with anxiety, underactive thyroid, occasional breakouts of psoriosis, & prediabetic. in addition, i ve started retaining fluid so take flouisimide (sp?). in the last month or so I ve started having muscle spasms/contractions ranging from my throat/jaw down to my calves. mainly in my throat, ribs & back, with the worst being in my ribs. today I was walking and suddenly my ankles became weak (no pain), just weak. I leaned against a wall, rotated my ankles, tried to walk again and it sounds odd, but when I walked i felt like someone with polio or muscular sclarosis (or something) looks when they walk. almost as if my lower legs and ankles bowed out and i sort of wobble walked a few steps, sat down rotated/stretched and tried again. this time I made it about 5-7 yards, went to cross the street and they went weak on me again. I almost fell with them this time, but stayed up, wobble walked across the street, sat on a bus stop bench took my shoes off this time and was able to slowly make my way to my vehicle. what in the world would cause something like that?