Hi. I am a 30-year-old white woman. I have been experiencing unexplained bouts of nausea the past 2-3 months. It comes and goes with seemingly no cause. It is bad enough to make me think it could be morning sickness, but I am not pregnant. I have noticed some indigestion at meal times and possibly some bloating. I have also been having chest pains in the middle of my chest and experiencing pains in my armpits for the last few weeks, though my doctor says she does not feel a lump under my arm. My maternal aunt died a few years ago from stomach cancer. It was a swift sickness and death. She found out only about a month or two before dying, and I do not know what her symptoms were. My maternal grandfather died of esophageal cancer and two of my mother s other siblings died of non-Hodgkins lymphoma. After my aunt died of stomach cancer, several of my remaining aunts (but not my mother) were tested for h. pylori, as the doctors recommended it in light of my aunt and grandfather s death. I do not know if any of them tested positive. I have limited contact with that side of the family. My doctor has dismissed my nausea, chest pain, and upset stomach as symptoms of anxiety, but I feel that this is not the cause. I am worried it could be the early signs of stomach cancer, but I do not know what to do about it if my doctor disagrees.