Hi. I had a colonoscopy today. Procedure was easy, I was mildly sedated but awake and found it interesting. I did have 2 polyps, small, they took them off. I have had not bleeding, not even a few spots. I ate food at the hospital (juice and a gluten-free cookie) and ate in the car on the 15 min ride home (banana and rice crackers). Got home and quickly got an excruciating head ache (made me cry it was so bad which is not usually me!) and started throwing up what I ate. Headache very mild now, took and advil as that was all we had in the house. Nausea continues. I did throw up what I think was some colyete a few hours go. Trying to keep drinking water and plain tea because everything else nauseates me. I am also nibbling rice crackers but desirer to eat is not there. Do I need to be worried or just keep trying to eat and drink? Thanks fromHeather