Repeated nausea,
constipation, something moving in abdomen can be due to the following reasons:
Constipation causes sort of increased
peristalsis to push the feces which in turn can cause movements in abdomen and also nausea.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Consult your Doctor for clinical evaluation, examination and request for the following investigations:
X-ray of abdomen in standing position to see for fecoliths in colon or signs of sub-
acute intestinal obstruction.
If fecoliths are present then you may need an enema followed by stool softeners and laxatives to combat constipation.
As for the frequency of urination the commonest cause is
urinary tract infection:
Go for tests of Urine: Routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity before taking the first dose of an antibiotic.
Test of blood and
Ultrasonography of whole abdomen.
All these will a proper diagnosis for a plan of proper management.
Since you have regular periods all these symptoms are not related to pregnancy for sure.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T Chandrakant, General Surgeon