Hello dear
Understand your concern
Also note that
Menstruation required co ordinate action of various hormone that secreted by ovary (estrogen and
progesterone) and brain (FSH and LH).
If any above hormone is decreased or increased there is imbalance in menstruation
I think you have menstrual symptoms due to
hormonal imbalance
Following are the cause of your problem:
1. Hormonal imbalance
2. Dysfunction of ovary
3. Uterine fibroid
4. Adenomyosis
5.Rare: cancer of ovary, uterus, cervix
6. Thyroid problem, endometriosis
7. Stress
8. Excessive weight loss/gain
9. Pelvic inflammatory disease
So I think yous should
consult doctor.
Do the following test
1. Blood test: FSH, LH, Estrogen, progesterone, HCG, Thyroid hormone, ESR, CBC, Blood clotting abnormality
2. Pelvic examination
3. PAP smear
4. USG
You can take
meftal spas 500 mg once times a day for 4-5 days
Tablet Panmax-D 3 times per day for 4-5 days
Drink lots of water
Take small frequent meals rather than large meal
Wear pure cotton loose inner wear.
Take healthy diet
Hope this may help you
Best regards