for over two weeks now I have been having nausea (no vomiting but close) and fatigue. also some mild dizziness and vague feelings like brain fog and feeling as though I could cry easily. also low back pain and abd pain though mild, that comes and goes and has been all over, sometimes more in the LLQ, other times in the upper abd. I checked my urine my self at work (I am a nurse) and my urine was neg except for trace blood. I also did a UPT which was neg. so I made an apt w/my doc who I will see tomorrow. right after I made this appt I had a BM and saw what appeared to be a possible parasite- long and flat, strigy, white thing in stool. the next day (today) I collected a sample w/the same thing visible in the stool (not moving) and brought to lab. my provider ordered test for parasites and this came back neg. I have been diagnosed w/IBS in past. I have also had issues w/reflux and usually after taking omeprazole for a couple weeks my reflux s/s will resolve (nausea) but I have done this and the omeprazole did not help. I am on a new dose of sertraline for anxiety/depression, slowly have been going up on sertraline dose since started it a couple months ago. I had been on Lexapro for years but this was no longer helping. I can t help but feel like something is wrong, like really wrong. I plan on seeing my provider tomorrow as scheduled but just looking for some insight before hand. also, have you ever heard of rope worm? is this a real thing? sorry, I know this is lots of info. thanks for your time.