I didn t have sex, he basically only put the tip in for about 3 seconds and then he says he wasn t fully hard and he did NOT ejaculate. But this was 9 days ago, over the past 5 days, I have been nauseous once, had frequent headaches and am constipated. Also very sleepy. I took a pregnancy test on day 8 which was negative and my friend tells me it wasn t too early to take it. She thinks it s a scare, but I just want to be sure that these aren t 1st week actual symptoms or am I just overthinking? If it helps any, I had a milkshake on day 6. That may be why I am constipated. Also, my lower back aches my grandmother also tells me that it s because of constipation, and the headaches. I am currently waiting for lactate to kick in. Should I wait longer to take another test? Or am I fine? My sister also says that I am having a scare and this is all in my head. I also believe I am bloated.