Im a 29 year old white male and I ve been experiencing several symptoms that I think may be associated with diabetes or high blood sugar and would like a doctors opinion. My symptoms include nausea, hot flashes (feet, face, and arms), tingling or numbness in hands, arms, and feet (especially in pinky and middle index finger on right hand), phantom pains from time to time in stomach and legs and arms. I ve also felt a little light headed and some minor brain fog as I would call it throughout the day. The symptoms have been on set rather quickly and have been going on for the last 2-3 days. I have been overweight all my life and at periods in my life have partaken in extreme diets where you cut your fat intake in a given day down to 20 grams or less. I have lost 60-100 pounds in a 4-6 month period only to go back to poor eating habits and gain it all back in less than a year. I have had high blood pressure since I was 20 years old and am currently on Atenolol 100mg/day tablets to alleviate that. Recently a doctor (not my normal family doctor) suggested that I cut back to 50mg/day cause my blood pressure was normal in an office visit. I recently tried the strict diet once again and lost 10 pounds in a few weeks but I began to eat poorly and excessively the week after and noticed the weight gain coming back. I have since then experienced these symptoms that I have described ever since I once again cutback on food intake and began to try and eat more healthy. The symptoms have been constant and fluctuate throughout the day. Nausea is the most prominent one along with numbness in my fingers on right hand. My question is could it be blood sugar or perhaps diabetes or could the reduction in my medication for blood pressure, after taking 100mg/day for 9-10 years be causing the issues. I would like your honest opinion on these issues and is there cause for concern that I should see a doctor immediately?