My 18 year old daughter suffers from nausea several times a week, daily heart burn, circulation problems in her hands and feet. Her feet go numb after physical activities, and her hands and feet constantly turn purple and become cold. She also occasionally becomes week and faints or blacks out (a few times a month). At least once a month she has sharp pains going through her chest and breathing becomes very difficult, and she also suffer from intense back pain which just comes and goes. Now we know she has a mild form of scoliosis and has been seen many times by our family doctor over the past couple and he dismisses all of our concerns, and has her on a daily Zantac regimen. Making another appointment to see our family doctor and will ask to be referred to a specialist, however, not sure if there is a specialist that can look at all these medical problems and possibly find something that could link all of these together, if in fact they are. So my question is, are there any specialist that can find the root cause to treat the problem and not the symptoms?