Hello and welcome to HCM.
As an
Urologist,i must opine that, you're richly blessed by GOD almighty.
The cardiologists and intevsivists team, are to be congratulated for a remarkable
resuscitation and successful effort.To begin with,your father had a diabetic nephropathy(Diabetes with CKD stg3),and injecting contrast, is potentially nephrotoxic.But, the only way to do
angioplasty is,to do a contrast angiogram study,first.This can lead to acute kidney injury-ARF,where the creatinine goes up,with other side-effects,like B.P.fall,and low
oxygen saturation.Dialysis is imminent,when creatinine goes up.
You may send any doubt,as a direct question to me, for an expert opinion.
Dr.Matthew J. Mangat.