Hello..I am very concerned about my 6 yr old Grand daughter. She has very strange symptoms. I believe she has some kind of seizure disorder or narcolepsy. She has spells where she gets extremely tired, where she can t even hold her head up. She has terrible headaches, then vomits & feels better afterwards. She goes into unconsciousness, sometimes for several minutes. She has at times, dropped into an unconscious state while eating, then a few minutes later, she just pops up and continues eating like nothing has happened. She also has terrible night terrors (screams and cries, no mommy no, in her sleep). She also can not lay still at night. She is in constant motion (kicking, thrashing around, etc) while sleeping and at times her body goes completely stiff for a couple of minutes at a time. Please give me some advice about this situation. I know the obvious would be to take her to her doctor. She has been to a doctor for basic check-ups, vaccinations, etc. but her symptoms were never discussed. Thank you for your time. Concerned Grandma Trudy Sparks